7 Things We Learned from Gerard Way's Reddit AMA: Possible My Chemical Romance Reunion, His Favorite Song and More

Gerard Way: Patrick Carney

Gerard Way: Weird Al

Gerard Way: 50 Cent

In addition to his new music, the "No Shows" singer also touched on a few important topics: gender identity, his relationship with his former MCR bandmates and, of course, comics.

Here are the NUMBER best things we learned from Way's Reddit AMA.

1. He decided to go all in when introducing Hesitant Alien to the world.

Way notoriously debuted his debut solo album at the Reading Festival in August - a risky maneuver for the new material. But, he was clear about going big or going home when it came to his introductory solo show. "Well, my manager and I felt it needed to start somewhere So we figured why not go for the biggest and potentially most high stress situation we could think on. I feel like choosing a date to play shows also helping with a release date for the album," he wrote.

2. Way is happy to help fans with gender identity and tends to relate more to femininity than masculinity.

When a fan, /u/mutiescum thanked Way for helping him discover his own gender identity through his gender-bending performances, the rocker was notably humble and happy to discuss his own thoughts about masculinity and femininity. "I have always been extremely sensitive to those that have gender identity issues as I feel like I have gone through it as well, if even on a smaller scale. I have always identified a fair amount with the female gender, and began at a certain point in MCR to express this through my look and performance style," he wrote. "...Masculinity to me has always made me feel like it wasn't right for me." Later, in an independent comment, Way expressed his happiness in discussing the issue, writing: "It was really freeing to be able to talk about gender identity btw."

3. Unlike a lot of artists, he's not afraid to pick a favorite song on Hesitant Alien.

It's lead single, "No Shows."

4. He wants to live in a universe far, far away...

When asked what fictional universe he would chose to inhabit, the comic nerd easily had a choice: "Star Wars, forever and ever."

5. Some sort of musical reunion with his former My Chemical Romance bandmates isn't out of the question... someday.

When asked about Frank Iero's solo project, Way expressed his happiness at his friend's new music and didn't rule out some sort of future MCR collaboration or reunion. "I love all of the guys so much and love what they do musically. I think a collaboration between any of the MCR members is totally possible- just not sure when. It would have to materialize organically and right now everyone is busy with their solo work," he wrote. So, there's still some hope yet!

6. He feels best as a blonde.

Though he's currently rocking red flame locks, Way answered that "simple bleach blonde" is his favorite hairstyle.

7. You may have left the AMA with a ghost on your shoulder, Haunted Mansion style.

Way told fan /u/whatsatexas that the AMA was "haunted as F." "I feel like the last set of questions were answered by spirits," he wrote. #2spooky!

Gerard Way
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