REVIEW: Fifth Harmony Prove They're "Worth It" in New Single Ahead of 'Reflection' Release Date [LISTEN]

Fifth Harmony: BO$$

Fifth Harmony: Sledgehammer

Starting off with some funky saxophone in the vein of Jason Derulo's "Talk Dirty," "Worth It" leans toward the R&B side of Fifth Harmony's musicality. Strong snare drums, and whooshing sound effects back this song when there isn't a sax leading things along.

The intense, creeping music of "Worth It" is matched with deep harmonies from 5H and personally positive lyrics, recalling the chords of "BO$$." Similar to the lead Reflection single, the girls state that they're worth all of that and more. "Give it to me I'm worth it / Baby, I'm worth it / Uh huh, I'm worth it," they declare in the chorus with no attitude to spare.

"Worth It," like most Fifth Harmony songs, shines the most in the chorus when all five girls blend together. To the happiness of some Harmonizers and the chagrin of others, 5H fav Camila Cabello carried the majority of the solos in this song, carrying the rap interlude into the chorus with a strong bridge.

After being soft and sweet and achieving their best chart success to date with "Sledgehammer," "Worth It" shows that Fifth Harmony can still get hard at the end of the day. It also fits that much needed girl group message of female empowerment, which is never a bad thing.

Listen to Fifth Harmony's "Worth It" below:

"Worth It" is a new single from Fifth Harmony's forthcoming album Reflection. Reflection is due for release on Jan. 27 following a series of delays.

Fifth Harmony
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