Review: Justin Bieber's heart goes 'Flatline' in new free iTunes single [DOWNLOAD]

Justin Bieber just dropped his latest studio album Journals today (Dec. 23) at midnight. Originally due out last Monday (Dec. 16), the teen idol delayed the album's release by seven days because he wanted to add a new song. Though that song, titled "Flatline," doesn't appear on the official version of Journals, it is available as a free download on iTunes right alongside that album.

Of course to fit along side the song's title, "Flatline" begins with the intense beeping from a heart monitor, alongside Bieber's now-signature smooth R&B beats.

Like many of Bieber's Music Mondays singles, "Flatline" explores a failed relationship, due to his busy schedule and the girl in question always contacting him at the wrong times, then not returning the phone calls he attempts to make. Once again, it's hard not to connect these words to his high-profile relationship with Stars Dance singer Selena Gomez.

This time in "Flatline," fans once again get a little more insight into this breakup. See, once again, this girl "pulled the plug," causing Bieber's poor little heart to flatline. It's actually quite a good metaphor, albeit one that's a tad bit obvious.

But hey, he did just write the song last week.

"Flatline" is the exact kind of direction Bieber should continue to go in, if he's hoping to bridge his career from teenybopper pop idol to a full-fledged adult act. The track is actually quite a bit stronger than, say, "One Life" from the actual Journals album.

The track is something of a Christmas gift from Bieber and is available to download free from iTunes.

Justin Bieber, Music Mondays, Music Journals, Journals
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