Beyoncé's backup singers, The Mamas, sat down with Hot 97's Old Man Ebro to talk about what it's like working with the superstar. Mama's member Montina (alto) has been with Beyoncé for since her debut solo album, Crystal Collins (tenor) has been with Bey for almost nine years and Tiffany Monique (soprano) has been with her for eight years.
Old Man Ebro asked the trio about Beyoncé's work ethic.
"That girl works hard," Montina responded. "Production rehearsals, we might work 16 hours that day. The crazy thing about Bey is that before we come in, she's there, and when we leave, she still stays. And when we come in the next day, she's there."
He then asked them to describe what a regular workday is like preparing for The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour. "It's such a big production," Monique explained. "We work on our vocals and then we get on stage and blend that together with the band. Then the dancers come on stage, and we work on the actual production itself. There's so many different components. The Mamas do choreography so we work on steps. You can't be with Bey and not have steps, now."
Collins says what she loves about Beyoncé is that "she gives everybody they shine, and she believes in us. She loves us, and we love her."
Monique added that Beyoncé is not intimidated by talent. "In fact, she likes to showcase it," she said. "She's confident and knows what she has to offer, but she's just as proud of the team behind her."
"I think she knows that it takes a team behind her to make something that big work," Montina explains. "So everybody on her team is exceptionally talented. There's no scrubs."
The Mamas are planning to put out their own album. But don't worry; they say they have Beyoncé's full support despite their time commitment with the singer. Watch the full interview below, and let us know what you think in the comments section!
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