AlunaGeorge, Lemaitre, Brolier Playing First Ever Live Minecraft Concert

The world of Minecraft is always evolving and expanding. Now its gamers are looking to bring in some different outside influences to the boxy world. They have tabbed AlunaGeorge, live Norwegian electronic duo Lemaitre and another local product, DJ duo Brolier to perform a show in the game setting.

The event is part of Norwegian tech conference The Gathering, which can include musical performers as its opening, but it is unusual for their sets to then be rendered into this manner.

The concert will take place at the Hamar Olympic Hall in Norway and it will be simultaneously recreated within the Minecraft world.

Just like a real concert, there will be promotion throughout Minecraft with billboards and flyers on the map. The concert will also have a several thousand person capacity, so like most free shows, individuals may want to turn up early. It will only accommodate around 2,000 to 3,000 people.

While the performers do their thing in the real world, a team of gamers will be recreating their movements in real time with avatars created to resemble the artists while the music plays.

"There have been plenty of other music experiences in the Minecraft universe, but not like this. This will be the world's first live Minecraft concert," Erik Heisholt, the creative chief and founder of Heisholt Inc. and Gathering organizer, told The Local.

Find the trailer for the show, which kicks off at 9 p.m. local below.

Åpningsshow TG 16 i Minecraft

Dette blir så kult! Artistene har siste gjennomkjøring på scenen akkurat nå. Er du klar for å kjempe deg gjennom Minecraft-verdenen for å komme først til scenen? Følg også vår live stream fra Vikingskipet på

Posted by The Gathering on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

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