STREAM 'Big World Abide: The Best of Eric Anders' Album [LISTEN]

Singer-songwriter Eric Anders and producer Jeff Peters have created a succinct compilation of greatest hits for 2016, entitled Big World Abide: The Best of Eric Anders. Comprised of songs from Anders' past albums, including Tethered to the Ground, Remains in Me, More Regrets, and Not at One, this eclectic mix comes together quite well as a complete new album. You can listen to a stream of this compilation below.

Anders' records were released in 4 consecutive years, making this new compilation flow together well, especially with remastering from Peters.

The songwriting has been compared to Jeff Buckley and James Taylor, but Anders' songs are sure to last the years on their own.

You can stream this 12-track compilation right here (via SoundCloud):

Make sure to follow Eric Anders on Facebook, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud!

Check out the tracklist for this best of compilation, including the original records the songs appeared on, right here:
1.Tethered to the Ground (Tethered to the Ground)
2. Big World Abide (Tethered to the Ground)
3. Remains In Me (Remains In Me)
4. These People (Tethered to the Ground)
5. Remembering On My Own (More Regrets)
6. Blister in the Sun (Tethered to the Ground)
7. Icarus (More Regrets)
8. Genocide and Justice (Remains In Me)
9. Looking Forward to Your Fall (Tethered to the Ground)
10. Never Enough (Not At One)
11. Settlin' Comes (More Regrets)
12. How Low and Why (Tethered to the Ground)

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