For the fifth year running, Coachella will live stream its festival online. The 2015 Coachella live stream will be presented by T-Mobile on YouTube with three different channels, which will show three different acts at the same time. In addition to showing music, the live stream will take a next step and become an interactive experience for fans that wish to partake in the fun.
Fans will be able create a schedule for their live-stream experience with a timetable that automatically updates based on the user's local time, something that we encourage other festivals to do for their live streams. They will be able to create an avatar by uploading a photo, browse an interactive map of the entire festival grounds that will show the stages and acts performing and give you more information those artists performing, as reported by Variety.
Watch the short teaser clip for the live stream below and get ready for weekend one of the festival in less than two weeks on April 10–12. Stay tuned to the Coachella YouTube channel where the live stream will take place.
Coachella will feature some of the biggest names in music this year. The headliners are AC/DC, Drake and Jack White, but the list of other musicians does not stop there. Other acts who will perform include Steely Dan, Flying Lotus, Alesso, Alabama Shakes, Ride, Axwell / Ingrosso, Hozier, Ratatat, Kaskade, St. Vincent, Action Bronson, War on Drugs, Raekwon and many others.
The Weeknd: closing out the festival on Saturday night
Stay tuned for the full set times to be released shortly with the festival getting underway in less than two weeks.
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