50 Cent launched his highly successful liquor line, Sire Spirits, with the help of liquor band Beam Suntory, however, their partnership has soured, and the rapper is now accusing the latter of embezzlement and overcharging.
"[Beam Suntory] is gonna pay for what they did, trust me," the "In Da Club" rapper wrote in an Instagram post. "These big companies think they can get away with anything. It has cost me millions in legal fees. They are gonna find out I'm not the one you want to play with."
50 Cent is the proud owner of Branson cognac and Chemin du Roi champagne, which have cultivated a cult following.
In a different post, the rapper clarified his warning against his partners: "Here is a clearer version of the news, [...] I'm not the guy you want to get started. In the nicest way, I'm gonna need my money by Monday."
50 Cent Faces Embezzlement Scandal Over Liquor Line
As per Fox News, 50 Cent's Sire Spirits filed a lawsuit against Beam Suntory and others, including Julious Grant and Michael Caruso, for overcharging and embezzling more than $6 million.
"Because these illicit commissions were baked into the price of the product, Sire Spirits overpaid on taxes, overpaid on customs and duties, overpaid on insurance, which are marked towards the value of the product," said Craig Weiner, the lawyer for the rapper's Sire Spirits.
"Because these illicit commissions were baked into the price of the product, Sire Spirits overpaid on taxes, overpaid on customs and duties, overpaid on insurance, which are marked towards the value of the product."
Beam Suntory Responds to 50 Cent's Accusations
Beam Suntory issued a statement in response to 50 Cent's accusations and Sire Spirit's lawsuit, denying an embezzlement occurred, XXL Magazine reports.
"Beam Suntory vehemently denies all allegation of wrongdoing," the statement reads. "It had no involvement in or knowledge of fraudulent activity alleged in the complaint, and any allegation to to the contrary has no basis in fact. It is undisputed that we honored all obligations to Mr. Jackson and Sire Spirits."
This is not the first time 50 Cent has had a run-in with the company; in January, he expressed his frustrations with the lawsuit online.
"This is the letter @beamsuntory sent without my knowledge to the people involved in the scheme that cost me millions," he wrote in an Instagram post.
" Do I really need to hold a press conference to walk everyone through exactly what happened with convicted felon Mitchel E. Green, Julious Grant, Arnaud Fabre and the guy Beam paid millions of dollars to help sell my brands, 'Lord Michael' Caruso. This will make a great unscripted project."
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