The Game Trayvon Martin Tattoo: Rapper Gets Slain Teenager's Portrait Permanently Inked Onto His Skin

Wow, just wow. That is some serious dedication. The Game took "We are all Trayvon" to a new level earlier this week. Not by marching, or petitioning, but by getting Martijavascript:;n's famous hoodie-wearing portrait inked onto his skin for all eternity.

The Game documented the tattoo session via his Instagram writing "At my @romantattoos session #1.... Been wanting to get tatted by Roman for awhile..... Dope artist & light handed ha ha ha........ Follow em & check out his work. Tell em I sent you....#TrayvonMartin #Tattoos."

The tattoo holds extra significance as The Game has two young sons and was incorrectly identified as Trayvon in a chain email attempting to paint the young teen as a tatted-up thug.

That's not the only portrait tattoo Game is showing off this week, however. He got a tribute tattoo of the smoothest voice in rap, Nate DOGG earlier this week from the same artist (who seems to have quite a knack for portraits).

What do you think of the Game's latest tats?

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The Game, Portrait, Trayvon Martin, Tattoo
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