Charles Pratt Jr. Is The New Head Writer For CBS Soap 'The Young And The Restless'

Apparently the higher ups that are in charge on the set of CBS' The Young and the Restless have been listening to the fans who have been loudly complaining about horrendous story lines because they have shaken things up by bringing in a new head writer. Charles Pratt Jr. will be taking the reigns from Shelly Altman and Jean Passanante and he will also be getting an executive producer credit as well.

Ever since Jill Farren Phelps took over as executive producer 2 years ago fans have lashed out and waged internet campaigns to try and stop the show runner from wrecking havoc on their favorite characters. Jill has a history of coming in and while her unique story telling wins awards it also ends up running otherwise solid soaps straight into cancellation. After several favorite actors were cut from the canvas of The Young and the Restless the ratings plummeted as longtime fans began tuning out.

CBS was smart enough to know that needed to do something but is bringing in Charles Pratt Jr. the answer? He has worked on four other daytime shows including Santa Barbra and General Hospital. His style of writing isn't everyone's cup of tea. Some think that he is innovative and funny while others' credit him with causing the demise of All My Children during his tenure there. It's obvious that CBS is hoping that Pratt will work well with Phelps and together they will be able to put together a show that somehow manages to woo back all of the fans that walked away.

The question is whether or not the formerly devoted fans will be willing to tune back in to The Young and the Restless to see if it feels like the show that they once loved.

Jill Farren Phelps, CBS, AMC
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