Over the weekend, One Direction's Niall Horan was reportedly spotted kissing singer Ellie Goulding at the V Festival in Hyde Park. Neither side has confirmed or denied the rumor, but that doesn't matter to 1D fans. Just like any other girl rumored to be kissing or dating any of the members of the biggest boy band in the world, the fans have started sending Goulding death threats. The thing is, though, Ellie doesn't seem to notice them!
For instance, one "directioner" sent the 26-year-old singer a message explaining that she would "kill her on stage." Goulding apparently didn't take the threat seriously at all because she wrote back to the threatening fan, "lovely."
What do you think of how Ellie handled the death threats?
recently reported on Ellie and Niall's kiss over the weekend. Here is an excerpt:
Remember when Niall Horan of One Direction was straight up flirting with singer Ellie Goulding on Twitter over the last few months? Well it apparently paid off because sources claim that the "Best Song Ever" singer was spotted locking lips with the newly single Goulding at the 2013 V Festival in Hyde Park. Ellie had previously dated actor Jeremy Irvine up until about a month ago. Unfortunately, bodyguards were blocking the rumored couple so no photos were taken.
In a recent interview with GQ magazine, Niall was asked about his love life. He explained: "We go back on the road straight after a show and we're gone. I wish we did have time for girls and parties but we don't."
However, Niall added this quote for the publication: "I'll say one thing: Ellie Goulding - wow. She's absolutely amazing looking."
This straightforward flirting presumably paid off! Again, there are no pictures to confirm the relationship, but Niall seemed pretty ecstatic about attending the festival. Perhaps because he spent his time kissing the girl of his dreams?
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