Liam Payne's Chilling Confession and Bizarre Behavior Just Minutes Before His Death Revealed By Hotel Guest

Liam Payne
Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

Before the unfortunate incident that led to his death, Liam Payne was reportedly seen seeking recognition in the lobby of the Casa Sur Hotel in Buenos Aires.

One of the eyewitnesses recounted the minutes leading up to Payne's tragic death.

Upon entering the hotel, Rebecca noticed tension among the staff. One of her acquaintances reportedly expected Payne to vacate his room.

As she approached the elevator, she couldn't help but sense a hint of desperation in the One Direction member's demeanor, telling the Daily Mail, "It was so clear he wanted someone to recognize him, there was something a bit desperate about him."

"I was with my friends and we did know who he was, but none of us were that bothered," she said. "When the lift came he suddenly said to us without any prompting: 'Yes, I'm Liam!' really drawing it out, and then said 'All right come on you lot, get in the elevator with me, I love a cuddle.'"

Opting out of the opportunity, Rebecca said she patiently awaited the arrival of the following elevator. Once it arrived, a few of her companions entered with Payne who, midway through the journey, remarked, "Oh, you're Americans, I live in West Palm Beach. I know Americans. You guys are f****** crazy! You guys are f****** dangerous!"

Rebecca then shared a disturbing and bizarre action that Payne had done in her and her friend's presence.

"And then he grabs a girl who I think was with him and starts fake choking her, only lightly, but the others thought it was really disturbing," she revealed.

Rebecca then returned to the lobby minutes later to see Payne clutching his open laptop as he settled onto a nearby sofa to check his emails.

"I have a blind relative and I realized he had the laptop on its accessibility setting, for some reason, so that each time he moved the mouse, hovering over something the machine spoke out loud to say where the cursor was," she said.

She went on, "I assumed he was doing that for the attention too. Then he opened his emails and saw one, which obviously upset him. Suddenly he took the computer, shouted 'f*** this s*** mate!' and started bashing the computer on the ground."

She added, "Everyone, especially the staff was really shocked. It's a high-end hotel and his behavior was so out of place - people were just chilling."

Rebecca revealed Payne also made a chilling confession, saying, "I went over, asked 'Are you OK?' But he just kind of grunted. Then he said 'I used to be in a boyband. That's why I'm so f***** up.'"

"I couldn't believe he'd just come out and said something like that. There was a lot more swearing and he took the laptop over and went to get back in the lift," she revealed.

A member Payne's entourage, allegedly named Roger, who is his manager, approached Rebecca to offer an apology, explaining, "I'm sorry, he just gets so high sometimes."

The eyewitness said she couldn't help but ponder the efforts made by team to assist him, perhaps they had attempted and not succeeded. She also recalled the hotel employees being visibly agitated, observing Payne nervously. One of them was reportedly clearly speaking on the phone, likely reaching out to security or law enforcement.

"I've never taken cocaine, but he was behaving exactly as I'd imagine someone would on the drug – he wasn't focusing, and his pupils were dilated, and he was behaving in aggressive way – though not to anyone in particular."

Shortly after, Payne made his way back to the lobby and tumbled clumsily before being guided back to his room.

She narrated, "It wasn't long after that when the police arrived and initially we thought they were just going to kick him out, but then when the staff started running around like crazy, we suddenly realized the seriousness of what had happened."

She went on, "Some of my friends had seen him falling, it was awful, and at first they thought he might have just injured himself, but then we saw the body out in the courtyard, and later they brought him out on a stretcher, it was all so horrible."

Liam Payne, One Direction
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