C-Murder Pens Open Letter After Calling Master P Out On New Song "All I Wanted 2 Be Was A Soldier"

Nearly two weeks after calling his brother Master P out on his new song "All I Wanted 2 Be Was A Soldier," incarcerated rapper C-Murder has penned an open letter addressing their troubled relationship.

The "Down 4 My N---az" rapper is currently serving life in the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola for the murder of 16-year-old Steven Thomas. He shared his letter with AllHipHop.com. Check out what he had to say after the jump.

"All I wanted to be was a soldier, like P"

We all must learn lessons before dying. My ultimate lesson was giving loyalty to those undeserving. Yes, I learned the hard way. Incarceration has opened my eyes to see deceit through pitch black darkness. I was taught and raised that your bloodline will be there through thick and thin. Even when the entire wicked world and fake friends condemn and abandon you at your darkest moments. And being in prison for life, means until you die. Until your heart stops beating and your body turns cold.

This is a time to come together and support, unconditionally. Not for finger-pointing and ridicule. Even as I truthfully and passionately claim my innocence, I'm forced to entertain the blasphemy and silly lies of the one I believed in and looked up to the most. Who not only betrayed me but turned his back on my kids. My three angels who keeps blood pumping from my heart, throughout my veins. My sincere message to you as you read this is: Trust no one but yourself. No-one deserves your total loyalty, a smile can be deceiving in many ways. Be your own leader. People change and you can never know someone's TRU identity or agenda.

I will never change, break or fold. I will always be TRU. It's my life, my way of thinking. My World!

If my last breath was to come this minute, I'll be buried as a man among men. Loyal to a fault. But I will rest in peace. Feel Me?

I am smarter and much wiser now. Why? Because I have truly learned my "Lesson Before Dying"

These are the truest words I ever said.


As reported by XXL, C is seeking a new trial after serving five years of his life sentence for the 2009 conviction. His attorney Rachel Conner claims that C was unjustly tied on the basis that jury members were forced to give a "guilty" verdict. He is expected to go to trial again in November.

C-Murder, Master P
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