The millions of people that follow pop stars Justin Bieber, Rihanna and Lady Gaga on Twitter should be very aware that these singers do not use proper grammar or spelling in their tweets. This is fine, of course, considering the 140-character limit on the posts and the urgency to let followers know if, say, one of them is having the worst birthday ever or maybe talk about a picture of them in a scantily clad outfit. All joking aside, would you have guessed that these tweets are so bad that schools in Brazil use them as examples of how not to write?
Red Balloon English language school has been helping students throughout Brazil learn English in an interesting way: they have students critique and then edit the tweets of these celebrities (and others obviously) in order to get a better grasp on the language.
A select few who are aged 8 to 13 make up a special group that goes by the appropriate moniker "the Celebrity Grammar Cops." After they track down and edit the tweets, they use the Red Balloon Twitter account to send the corrected version to the celebrity in hopes that they might fix the original tweet. They usually don't, but the Cops are still working hard in the name of Grammar.
The best thing about the tweets they send to the stars is that they mention their age and then the correction.
Hi @rihanna! I love your songs. My name is Carolina. I'm 11 years old. It's not to she, it's to her. bye bye .
— Red Balloon (@redballoonBR) April 12, 2013
Check out this video for Red Balloon, describing what the organization does with celebrity tweets:
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