Annie Lennox Thinks Beyoncé's Feminism Is 'Tokenistic,' Refers to Her as 'Feminist Lite'

Annie Lennox is one of the coolest female artists out there — for a variety of reasons.

One being the fact that she seems to kind of "get" people. She understands the intricacies of human beings and works hard to make her points without being completely offensive.

Beyoncé has been dubbed a face of feminism in music because, while onstage, she perpetuates the notion that she is strong and in control of every aspect of her life. It is kind of ironic how behind-the-scenes sources have insisted she has always been under the thumb of a man — be it her father or her husband.

During the recent MTV Video Music Awards, Bey declared herself a feminist while onstage, and in a recent interview Lennox was asked her thoughts on it.

"I would call that 'feminist lite.' L-I-T-E. I'm sorry. It's tokenistic to me. I mean, I think she's a phenomenal artist — I just love her performances — but I'd like to sit down [with her]. I think I'd like to sit down with quite a few artists and talk to them. I'd like to listen to them; I'd like to hear what they truly think.

"I see a lot of it as them taking the word hostage and using it to promote themselves, but I don't think they necessarily represent wholeheartedly the depths of feminism — no, I don't. I think for many it's very convenient and it looks great and it looks radical, but I have some issues with it."

Lennox, like many other women, has found herself creeping away from the term feminist because so many instantly affiliate it with man-hating behavior rather than promoting the strength of women. Lennox feels she has expressed her inner strength in a multitude of ways and that it is time to express other things now.

What are your thoughts on Beyoncé's version of feminism? Do you think that is who and what she really is, or is it just a catchy term that helps propel her image in a particular direction? Is she being tokenistic — is Lennox's description an accurate one? Comment below.

Annie lennox, Beyonce, VMAs, Performance, Fake
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