Drake Overtakes The Beatles in Terms of Hot 100 Singles Thanks to Makonnen "Tuesday" Appearance

Want to tick off your upper-middle-aged parents this weekend? Here's a factoid you can drop on them: Drake just passed The Beatles in terms of total Hot 100 singles, according to HotNewHipHop.

The offending song is "Tuesday," a single from OVO signee Makonnen featuring Drake, which is the latter's 72nd appearance in the Hot 100. Want us to list the other 71? Maybe later. The point is that Drizzy is now the no. 8 all time performer in terms of Hot 100 singles. The rest of the chart is somewhat a battle between current superstars and musicians that were out way before your (or our) parents could claim to have been on the bandwagon. Jay Z and Lil Wayne represent the now while Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, James Brown and Aretha Franklin are still going strong thanks to a career full of hits. Interestingly the no. 1 "artist is Glee, the cast of which has landed 217 songs in the Hot 100. That record isn't getting messed with until another singalong TV show comes along, or any of the aforementioned rappers really step up their guest performance numbers.

We suppose that's the ultimate moral to give your parents: The only reason Drake, Wayne and Jay are anywhere near those legends is because of guest appearances so the odds were kind of stacked in their favor (and let's be honest: Glee hasn't exactly introduced us to any new music). And, although music critics nowadays complain about singles-versus-albums more than ever and the generation that hosted performers such as Elvis and The Beatles was more single-driven than any, you can remind your parents that Drake hasn't put out an album as great as an of the Beatles classics, nor will he outsell them in terms of records any time soon.

The Beatles, Drake
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