5 New Christian Songs Going to Radio

(Photo : EMI)
This week, five new Christian songs headed out to radio and are going for adds as we speak. If you haven't heard these great tunes on your favorite local station, be sure to call and request them.

"Come As You Are" - Crowder

Found on Neon Steeple, "Come As You Are" has been called one of the greatest songs in David's career and I would have to agree. Slow, yet as powerful as any song released this year, the words are for all of us. We're all sinners, yet Jesus invites us to lay down our burdens and come as we are to Him to be made whole.

"He Knows" - Jeremy Camp

The first single from what will be Jeremy's 2015 album is an in your face reminder that God knows every single thing about us, our lives, our joys and our suffering. Every tear we've cried, God has cried with us. Delivered with a power that only Jeremy can pull off, this is a simply amazing tune and if the rest of his new album is as good, we're all in for a treat.

"Laugh Out Loud" - Jason Gray

The new single from Love Will Have The Final Word will make you smile as it fills your heart with joy. Realizing that you've been forgiven should always make you grin like an idiot and Jason's musical twists and turns make it seem as natural as breathing.

"Lord I'm Ready Now" - Plumb

The latest from the deluxe version of Need You Now is 110% about surrender. So often, we run from who God is and who we know He created us to be. "Lord I'm Ready Now" is a stunning song about the day that running stops and our life truly begins.

"Save My Life" - Sidewalk Prophets

What will certainly be their next hit, "Save My Life" comes from the 2012 release, Live Like That. A song that could be dedicated to any of our Christian brothers and sisters, the tune reminds us that we each have something special that we can offer each other in times of need. We can truly be the hands and feet of Christ and show God's grace in a real life way.

Jason Gray, Plumb, Sidewalk Prophets
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