Michelle Obama Gets Down To New Lil Jon And DJ Snake Parody "Turnip For What" [WATCH]

Lil Jon and DJ Snake in the (White) House! On Vine yesterday, actor and Barack Obama impersonator Iman Crosson asked First Lady Michelle Obama, "How many calories do you burn every time you 'turn up'?!" The First Lady, who is known for her health-conscious initiatives, took the question and turned it into a pun suited for 2014. She changed "turn up" to "turnip" because she's cool like that, and rocked out to "Turn Down for What."

Michelle Obama's video, which was posted on the White House's official Vine account, has been looped more than 6.7 million times in the past 13 hours. It has also been liked more than 41.5K times, revined more than 31K times, and has received more than 6,600 comments (at time of publishing)

Interestingly, this isn't the first time Lil Jon and DJ Snake's hit track has been used in the political world. It was made into a viral video to encourage young people to vote.

Although she showed love to the turnip this time around, we all know Mrs. Obama's favorite vegetable is Barackoli.

Looks like the White House will lettuce turnip the beet to help their initiatives because they want us all to be raisin the roof. Okay, okay, we're done with the healthy food puns. Thanks for letting us get jalapeño business with them.

Check out the "Turnip For What" Vine below, and tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Lil Jon, DJ Snake, Michelle Obama
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