New blink-182 Album Coming Next Summer? Tom DeLonge Hopes So

Tom DeLonge recently did a lengthy interview about Blink-182's classic 1999 album Enema of the State, but he also let some current information slip.

"I am hoping that we can get this thing out by summer, but we will see," he said.

That was, of course, referring to a new Blink-182 album. The band hasn't produced an LP since 2011's Neighborhoods.

"We actually have our very first big writing session coming here in the next few weeks where we'll get together and lay down our first tracks," DeLonge said.

The rest of the interview with The Wondering Sound (via AltPress) is pretty interesting, with DeLonge looking back at one of pop-punk's greatest releases.

"I just knew it was our best record," he said. "I didn't think it was gonna do anything crazy. I remember we went on tour, on the Warped Tour, and Eminem and us were on tour. I wouldn't have thought that either of us would have gotten as far as we did, you know? In retrospect, you look back and think, 'Oh, I get it. I get why.' But at the time? A white rapper from Detroit and three ugly kids from San Diego that could barely play - I mean Travis could always play, but it didn't make any sense."

He also recounted a particularly prescient conversation from the late-'90s.

"I remember I sat down in the [label] president's office," DeLonge said. "I have a sideways hat, I have nose rings in and s---, and he goes, 'I'm gonna tell you three things,' and it's just me and [our manager] Rick. [He says], 'You are going to make more money than you ever thought you could make. You are going to be more famous than you ever thought possible. And you're gonna be playing arenas by fall.' And I sat there and I looked at him and I literally laughed out loud. I said, 'You're f---ing nuts!' I looked at Rick and literally, it was an out-loud, guttural kind of laugh. I was like, 'You're fucking high!' If you would've told me a green Santa Claus was marching down the street with a UFO for a hat I would've believed that first. And all three of those things happened. They all happened. And that's one of the most amazing moments of my life, looking back at that specific conversation."

DeLonge also let some news slip about the new Angels & Airwaves LP.

"This is a huge release for me," he said. "We've been recording it for two years and Halloween is gonna be a big day, that's all I can say."

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