'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air:' Music Times Celebrates The Show's 23rd Anniversary With Our Favorite Musical Guest Moments

Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the first episode of the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air." An unconventional anniversary to be sure, but there was nothing conventional about the show that turned Will Smith into a household name, a rapper we refuse to admit might not have been that great, and the most bankable name in Hollywood. In order to celebrate the occasion, Music Times has compiled a list of our five favorite musical guests in the show's six seasons.

5. Boys II Men in "Twas The Night Before Christening" (December 1993)

Will feels bad about his gift for baby Nicky on the eve of the child's christening. He tries to one-up DJ Jazzy Jeff's expensive wristwatch by declaring that he's booked the R&B group Boys II Men. Unfortunately, his family takes him seriously and he's forced to scramble to get the group's attention during this Christmas episode. Check them out singing "Let It Snow" in this clip from the episode below.

4. Bell Biv De Voe in "The Butler Did It" (November 1991)

For once it's Carlton and not Will causing headaches when he and Hilary rent out the family's home for a Bell Biv De Voe music video while Uncle Phil and Aunt Viv are out of town. Naturally, shenanigans ensue and the cousins are forced to clear out all evidence when the couple announces they'll be coming home early.

3. Ben Vereen in "Papa's Got A Brand New Excuse" (May 1994)

This isn't a true musical guest spot by any means, but Vereen has an extensive career in musicals, including a Best Actor Tony for his role in "Pippin." Vereen plays Will's father, Lou, returned after 14 years. This is one of the few episodes that shies away from humor, and when Lou leaves Will once again at the end of the episode, his son delivers a tirade against absentee fathers, resulting in a touching moment between him and Uncle Phil. Definitely one of the show's most touching moments.

2. Tom Jones "The Alma Matter" (February 1993)

Carlton gets upset when he finds out that Will has gotten into Princeton and he hasn't. He calls out for help and receives a visit from his guardian angel...who happens to be Tom Jones. The duo partake in a new narrative version of "It's Not Unusual," and the vocalist shows Carlton how his family's life would go down the drain if he wasn't around to balance out Will's fun-loving demeanor. Consider it a humorous update on "It's A Wonderful Life."

1. Issac Hayes in "The Wedding Show (Psyche!)" (February 1995)

Will and Lisa get tired of taking wedding advice from their relatives so they elope to Las Vegas. Rather than get the typical Elvis-curated wedding, the couple opt for an Issac Hayes-themed wedding, complete with nuptials set to the theme song of "Shaft." The pair eventually gets sick of all the schlock and Will tells the funk icon that "your Issac Hayes impression stinks!"

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will Smith
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