Taylor Swift First Performer Named for 'Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest'

Got New Year's Eve plans? Taylor Swift will have a front row seat for the ball drop at Times Square and she won't need to wait for hours on end inside of caged-off cubicles. What we're trying to say is that ABC has announced the star will be performing as part of Dick Clark's Rockin' New Years Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest (via Billboard).

"Each year New Year's Rockin' Eve continues its iconic legacy by delivering incredible performances from the year's hottest artists, and this year is no exception," said Seacrest in a statement. "We already have secured an unprecedented number of music acts, culminating with a Times Square performance by Taylor, the biggest superstar in music today."

Seacrest is also the executive producer of the annual event and he wasn't kidding when he suggests that this year's rendition will be "unprecedented." ABC has reportedly booked more than "five and a half hours of music" as part of the lead up to the drop. Swift is the only name that's been announced so far but, assuming that Led Zeppelin doesn't reunite for a gig in Times Square, it's probably safe to assume that she'll be "headlining." Either way, it'll be a more entertaining hours-long wait than usual.

It won't be too far of a trip for Swift who recently settled down in the city. It hasn't taken too long for the metropolis to embrace her, having named her the New Year's Eve headliner of course as well naming her the official "Welcome Ambassador for Tourism," according to the Hollywood Reporter. We have to imagine that a few other Big Apple-born celebrities are bitter.

Taylor Swift
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