Ozzy Osbourne Working on Solo Material, Talks About Black Sabbath's Last Ride

Although Black Sabbath is coming to an end, Ozzy Osbourne still intends to put out music as a solo act, he notes in a recent interview.

"I've been not doing my solo stuff for quite a while now — I've been touring with Sabbath, so I just wanted to let everybody know I haven't stopped doing my solo stuff," the Prince of Darkness told Billboard recently. "I'm going to do one more Black Sabbath tour, one more album with Black Sabbath, and it'll take about two or three years before I release solo stuff again."

The singer said that his recently released compilation, Memoirs of a Madman, is "just to say to the fans that I haven't stopped." Madman highlights the big moments in Osbourne's solo career from 1980's epic Blizzard of Ozz to 2010's Scream.

As far as new material, Osbourne said that he's in the process of getting everything together and currently has "about three songs" he's been working on. "They're ideas now, but there's a good possibility that some of them will end up songs," he added.

"Black Sabbath is slow and demonic; Tony Iommi is untouchable for that kind of stuff," he continued. "My stuff is more melodic, more structured of a song. It's more kind of rock than doom-y music. It's happier, kind of."

After Sabbath puts out their follow-up to last year's 13 and tours behind it for awhile, Osbourne reaffirmed that the band will split. "We're disbanding the name and everything," he said. "They don't want to tour anymore. I get it. But I love it. I'm gonna continue my solo thing."

Recently, Osbourne said that he hoped original Sabbath drummer Bill Ward would be up for working on the next album. Ward didn't play on 13 due to issues with his contract. "We were all sad he didn't come the last time," he told Billboard. "But I don't deal with the dough and the business side; that's my wife's job. The thing is, when you've got four guys with four different agendas and managers, it gets pretty crazy. I just go, 'You do what you've got to do, Sharon. I'll do what I've got to do.'"

Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath
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