NOFX is not one of the punk concerts where we normally fear for our safety but that doesn't mean you can shouldn't expect repercussions for your nonsense. This is what one fan in Sydney found out when he jumped on stage to hang out with his idol, frontman and guitarist "Fat" Mike Burkett (via Metal Injection).
Mike and his bright mohawk are doing their thing (you can check out the video at the bottom) when the fan, possibly one Alexander Peter (based on Twitter reports) jumps up onstage and puts his arm around Mike. The guitarist later reported that when he didn't see the stranger and suddenly felt an arm on his neck he reacted defensively, which is this case involves clotheslining the dude with his right arm and then, what the heck, literally kicking him while he was down. Security quickly got the bloodied-up man off the stage.
The show continues as scheduled and in a rare display, both parties reached out to apologize for their actions. Behold the following Twitter conversation:
Alex.: @FatMike_of_NOFX thanks for the KO mike, didn't hurt too much. Soz for creepin up on you like, punk shows are a bit different down here.
Mike Burkett: I'm sorry too Alex, I was in terrible pain all night. When you grabbed me by the neck I defensively reacted...offensively.
Alex: not a fake account, heres photo of my swollen lip in what i wore (apparently another user had claimed it wasn't the same individual, but the bloody lip and fisherman's hat suggest this is the real deal).
Mike Burkett: Alex, if you go to the show on friday I'll buy you a beer. Just don't throw it at me alright?
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