Patti Smith a Surprise Name on The Schedule for The Vatican's Concerto di Natale Christmas Performance

The Vatican announced the lineup for its annual Concerto di Natale (its Christmas concert) and many a Catholic was surprised to see that Patti Smith would be headlining. The rock icon has never been the strongest of religious critics but she's never claimed to be overly spiritual either.

Most will immediately cite her famous, and perhaps most controversial, line from the classic 1975 album Horses: "Jesus died for somebody's sins...but not mine." More recently the performer has seemed to take a liking to religion however, performing the original song "Mercy Is" for the Noah soundtrack and was seen shaking hands with Pope Francis at The Vatican during 2013. The current head of the church has been much more popular than previous pontiffs thanks to his sympathies with the working class and especially for his words urging Catholics not to discriminate against homosexuals. Elton John called Francis his "hero" and the actions are sure to have touched Smith as well, considering her long support of the gay community in honor of deceased artist and former roommate Robert Mapplethorpe.

Smith grew up in a Jehovahs Witness household until she was 13 but has never been a member of the Catholic Church.

Naturally, despite the good will, many have drawn issue with the decision behind the lineup. Portosalvo, an Italian Catholic organization, has referred to the performance as "blasphemous," according to Pitchfork.

Hopefully they can enjoy the other acts playing at the event: French house DJ Bob Sinclair, Cleveland gospel vocalist CeCe Rogers and Sister Christina Scuccia, a nun and vocalist from Italy.

Patti Smith
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