Neil Young is upset with Starbucks.
Why? It is complicated, but on a basic level, the coffee-pushing company is fighting against Vermont's food labeling mandate with a recent lawsuit.
In response, an indignant Young penned a 300-plus-word letter on his website.
Let's break it down:
I used to line up and get my latte everyday, but yesterday was my last one.
Whoa. We are talking about a daily ritual that Neil claims to have partaken in for decades. There is little doubt he has been a loyal Starbucks customer.
Starbucks has teamed up with Monsanto to sue Vermont, and stop accurate food labeling.
That does not seem cool at all.
Tell Starbucks to withdraw support for the lawsuit — we have a right to know what we put in our mouths. Starbucks doesn't think you have the right to know what's in your coffee. So it's teamed up with Monsanto to sue the small U.S. state of Vermont to stop you from finding out. Hiding behind the shadowy "Grocery Manufacturers Association."
If there was ever a sinister corporation name, it was Grocery Manufacturers Association.
Starbucks is supporting a lawsuit that's aiming to block a landmark law that requires genetically-modified ingredients be labeled. Amazingly, it claims that the law is an assault on corporations' right to free speech. Monsanto might not care what we think — but as a public-facing company, Starbucks does.
[Slow clap begins]
If we can generate enough attention, we can push Starbucks to withdraw its support for the lawsuit, and then pressure other companies to do the same.
Vermont is a small, entirely rural state with just 600,000 people.
It's a classic David and Goliath fight between Vermont and Monsanto.
Considering that Starbucks has been progressive on LGBT and labor issues in the past, it's disappointing that it is working with the biggest villain of them all, Monsanto.
Yo, we are not talking about the second-biggest villain of all. Forget Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Un and Mr. Snively from the original Air Bud. Monsanto is the villain.
Preach, Neil.
There's much more at stake here than just whether GMO foods will be labeled in a single U.S. state.
Duh. As you already stated, Monsanto is outchea.
Vermont is the very first state in the U.S. to require labeling. Dozens of other states have said that they will follow this path — in order to encourage this, we need to ensure that Vermont's law stands strong. That's why Monsanto and its new allies are fighting so hard to kill GMO labeling in Vermont.
But whatever you think of GMOs, corporations should not be using massive lawsuits to overturn legitimate, democratic decisions with strong public backing.
SumOfUs is already fighting back — they helped Vermont raise almost a quarter of a million dollars to defend themselves against Monsanto's bullying! Help them by going to SumOfUs and registering to donate or sign a petition.
I will.
The next strategic step is to pressure and call out members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the shadowy body leading the lawsuit.
Monsanto's mouthpiece must be destroyed!
Your backing can help. Add your voice now.
Yes! I'm here!
Tell Starbucks to stop supporting the lawsuit against Vermont.
Cut it out, Starbucks!
Thanks for caring! Neil Young
And that, friends, is how revolutions begin. Sweaty? Me, too. Check out more "Neil vs. the man" material below, and then hit the showers:
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