WATCH: Killer Mike Addresses Ferguson Indictment Ruling at St. Louis Run The Jewels Tour Stop: "These Motherf**kers Got Me Today"

Last night (Nov. 24), a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the highly politicized death of the unarmed teenager Michael Brown. The decision, while not wholly surprising, sent shockwaves throughout the country and the music community. Last night, hip-hop duo Run The Jewels played a concert in nearby St. Louis, and rapper Killer Mike started things off by giving an impassioned speech to the crowd.

"I knew it was coming. I knew when f**king Eric Holder decided to resign; I knew it wasn't going to be good. I gotta tell 'em, you motherf**kers got me today. You kicked me on my ass today," he said candidly. "I have a 20-year-old son and a 12-year-old son, and I am so afraid for them."

The typically tough rapper broke down in front of the crowd.

"When I was sitting in the bus, crying and hugging my friend, I said 'these motherf**kers got me today. When I stood in front of my wife and I hugged and I cried like a baby, and I said 'These motherf**kers got me today,'" he continued, getting audibly choked up.

"If I die when I walk off this stage tomorrow, Imma let you know this. It is not about race, it is not about class, it is not about color. It's about what they killed him for. It is about poverty, it is about greed, it is about the war machine."

This is not the first time Killer Mike has spoken out about the unrest in Ferguson and the death of Michael Brown. In August, he penned an op-ed for Billboard, calling out police brutality during the protests.

[h/t Gawker]

Killer Mike, Run The Jewels
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