Rihanna Teases New Album on Instagram, Snippet Features RiRi Singing Over Sirens [LISTEN]

Okay, so we reported earlier that Rihanna's new album might be dropping on Black Friday after her brother, Rajad Fenty, posted countdowns on Twitter for Nov. 28. Now RiRi is torturing us further, posting a snippet of new music to Instagram. She has yet to announce an official release date, which has stirred up rumors that she's going for the surprise album approach circa Beyoncé 2013.

As MTV News points out, the "Umbrella" singer posted a brief clip accompanied by this message, "phuckin roun in da studio." Over loud sirens, Rihanna sings what may be a chorus, "Ain't none of this sh*t promised, ain't none of this promised / Ain't none of this sh*t certain, ain't none of it certain." Check it out below.

phuckin roun in da studio Un vídeo publicado por badgalriri (@badgalriri) el Nov 11, 2014 at 2:31 PST

Fenty's countdown began on Nov. 20 when he simply tweeted "8." He has continued the game ever since. A press release with rumored tracklist and unofficial title, Lost Files, spread throughout the Internet last month, but nothing has been confirmed from that. The release date, according to that release, was today (Nov. 25). Drake, Nicki Minaj, Eminem and Big Sean might appear on the album. Rihanna referred to the album as R8 in a tweet today, saying that any information about the record will come from her.

A few days ago, the superstar told Entertainment Tonight that she was "excited" about the album and that it's release is coming. "That's my hope," she said. "I'm really excited about the music that we've been working on, so I can't wait for everybody to hear it." DJ Skee also reported that RiRi let some Def Jam executives listen to the album and all of the feedback was positive.

Rihanna, Instagram, Beyonce, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Big Sean
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