Frank Ocean Shares Weird New Song "Memrise" [LISTEN]

Other than a few guest appearances here and there, including spots on the latest albums by Kanye West, Jay Z, and Beyoncé, we haven't really heard much from R&B singer Frank Ocean since his highly acclaimed 2012 album Channel Orange. Today (Nov. 28) however, the 27-year-old singer shared his first new solo song since 2012 through his Tumblr page, a weird lo-fi track titled "Memrise," which you can check out below.

Coming it at just under two minutes, "Memrise" eschews any sort of typical pop structure, and is instead arranged in three sections: the abstract intro, the semi-rapped middle section, and the sweetly sung comedown. The warbly sound and hissing background noise definitely give off the impression that Ocean recorded the track in his bedroom on cheap equipment (and based on the clicking noises at the beginning and end, it sounds like it was recorded straight into a MacBook on GarageBand), but it gives it a cool alternative charm that sets Ocean apart from other R&B artists.

You can check out Frank Ocean's "Memrise" right here (via Noisey):

Ocean posted the lyrics to the song to his Tumblr page as well, which you can check out right here:

I memorized the wayward expressions
Never look down
Never let you see me down
I memorized the way no directions
Can I come over now
I'd like to stay a little while
I memorized your body exposed
I could f**k you all night long
From a memory alone

I never forget a face
Don't go plastic on me
Nothing's set in stone
You're not dipped in gold
Dipped in gold
You can't breathe if you're dipped in gold
You are not on paper
You are not a copy
You're so, you're thick, so thick

What do you think of Frank Ocean's new song "Memrise"? Let us know down in the comments section below!

Frank Ocean, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Beyonce
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