To settle their "rap feud," Kanye West made a guest appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night.
The beef began after Kimmel made a skit that made fun of West's BBC interview by having kids recreate it. West was offended by the skit, called up Kimmel then lashed out on him via Twitter. Kimmel addressed the situation on his show the next day, more or less trivializing West's concern for his ego.
During the interview Kimmel gave West children's leather "jogging pants" for his daughter, in reference to his BBC interview. West then explained why he was so frustrated with the fashion industry because they refuse to take him seriously, despite his fame.
When it came to discussing their tiff, the assured the audience that this wasn't publicity stunt.
West said: "Everyone out there in TV world, real world, whatever world you stay in needs to know that I've never done a publicity stunt in my life. Any time I went up and spoke my mind, whether it put my career in jeopardy ... it was always what I thought was the truth. I don't follow the rules of normal celebrity or what their publicist tells them to say."
West then explained that what made him so angry was that he felt he knew Kimmel. They had seen each other on a personal level, and he felt like he was betrayed by a media personality that actually knew him.
"When I saw the skit, which I didn't even watch all the way through because I didn't want to be infuriated. I said, well I know you. So a combination of me knowing you but also me not knowing the person who put a bad headline on the cover of In Touch, and me not knowing [some other] person, well this is the one person I know. So I can go and let out everything that I feel - every single bogus weekly cover, every single bogus skit, every single rumor in a barber shop, every thing that people feel is okay to treat celebrities like zoo animals and act like what they are saying is not serious and their life is not serious, their dreams are not serious - and you know it kind of just went and elevated from a call that we just had as men. .... At a certain point, these egos can flare up and everything, and we kind of just took it back to high school for a little bit. And that's what happened."
Kimmel joked that he got beat up a lot in high school, so he didn't want to go back. He also explained the culture of media versus celebrities and how a lot of online sites just want people to click through, so they will put whatever headline to get them to click through even if it is damaging to the celebrity. He said that people assume they can't hurt celebrities because they have power and that as a comedian he usually isn't trying to be hurtful either.
One of the more interesting parts of the interview is when Kimmel flat out tells West that people think he is a jerk.
"I'm not running for office know what I'm saying," West replied. "I'm just here to make good music, make people feel good when they hear my music. When I did that interview I was really vocal about a lot of things I had been dealing with over the past ten years. I'm a creative genius. There's no other way to word it. I know you're not supposed to say that about yourself. I say things the wrong way a lot of times but my intention is always positive. And I want to bring more things to the world."
West got the biggest applause when he admitted to not caring at all about what the media says about him.
"I could care less about any of these cameras in all honesty. All I care about is my family. I care about protecting my girl, protecting my baby, and protecting my ideas and my dreams. And that's the reason I went so crazy."
He also addresses the whole "calling himself a genius" thing and basically says that to not call himself a genius would be false humility.
"I'm totally weird, and I am totally honest, and I'm totally inappropriate sometimes. And for me to say I wasn't a genius, I just be lying to you and to myself. You're going to love me or you're going to hate me, but I'm going to be me."
Watch the whole video here, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!
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