Prince has unveiled the video for his track "Breakfast Can Wait." The Danielle Curiel-directed video begins with a young woman wearing a Mini Mouse-like dress and toque cooking breakfast in the kitchen. The clip pans over shots of bacon and egg yolk spilling on the floor. The woman's lover enters the kitchen, and she brings his food to the table. He throws the plate to the floor, suggesting that "breakfast can wait" until after some morning lovemaking.
The clip then moves to a dominatrix-like dance studio where leather-clad women move to a choreographed dance and are joined by gothic-looking male dancers. It occasionally flashes over to a female Prince impersonator hiding behind a guitar neck, dangling a pancake and holding a jar of honey. Sound weird? It is.
In the next scene, the dancers don white masks and kneel at a table while they perform a dance that incorporates eating and drinking motions.
It's a pretty bizzare song to begin with from the descriptive breakfast-themed lyrics to the chipmunk auto-tuning, but combined with the visuals, it's just plain ridiculous.
The full song is available for purchase through 3rdeyetunes. Prince has remixed the track five different ways on SoundCloud, but those won't ever be officially released. In the information for the remixes Prince announces, "STREET DATE- NEVER. YA'LL AIN'T READY....."
"Breakfast Can Wait" will be featured on Prince's forthcoming album tentatively titled Plectrum Electrum. The release date has not yet been announced.
Check it out here, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!
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