Chicago Bears Fans Stabbed After Calling Green Bay Packers 'Awesome'

Two Chicago Bears fans were stabbed after the team's loss to the Dallas Cowboys on Thursday night. Neither suffered life-threatening wounds, and, in an odd twist, both found the whole situation "funny," according to the Chicago Tribune.

Granted, it's hard not to laugh a bit when confronted with the facts of the situation (while also keeping in mind this sort of thing can turn tragic quickly).

Here's the breakdown, via the Trib:

The man said he and his friend were in the parking lot in the 400 block of East 18th Street around 10:45 p.m., rehashing the Bears loss, when they started talking about the Green Bay Packers. "I was saying the Packers are awesome this year, why can't I be born a Packers fan?"

The comment caught the attention of another man in the lot who stormed up. "I went to go shake hands but as soon as I did, his buddy came up and threw beer at my head,'' the man said. "Beer got in my eyes and blinded me."

At this point, things got out of hand. The 21-year-old anonymous victim was stabbed once, while his friend was stabbed eight times with a "shank" that was likely a knife, according to police.

The men believe their attackers were also Bears fans.

"We were texting each other back and forth even at the hospital,'' he said. "We weren't really that bad, I was laughing the whole time I was in the ambulance and in the hospital."

If this doesn't give you an insight into how heated the Bears-Packers rivalry is, we don't know what will. Most Chicago fans know this already, but the takeaway is to never, ever compliment the Packers. Even when the Bears are playing the Cowboys.

NFL, Dallas Cowboys
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