Debbie Allen Is Struggling to Believe the Allegations that Have Been Made Against Her Good Friend Bill Cosby

As more allegations of sexual misconduct are leveled against Bill Cosby on almost a daily basis, his supporters seem to be scattering. That makes the people who are still firmly planted in his corner a bit more noteworthy. Debbie Allen has long been affiliated with the actor, and while promoting her new BET special The Hot Chocolate Nutcracker, she weighed in on the whole scandal, admitting that she finds the allegations "hard to believe" because of the man she has believed Cosby to be.

Allen recently discussed her thoughts with Today's Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee, explaining:

"I don't think we can have this conversation honestly in two minutes. It begs to ask a bigger question. Where's the moral spine in America and in the world today? Because how are we raising our daughters, our sons? Where are we looking for the guidance of how we're supposed to live? Cosby gave us one of the greatest shows in history and redefined the perception of black people all over the world.

"At the same time, I'm a part of One Billion Rising. This is a movement for women to stand up against violence and denigration of women. This is a tough situation, and it's just hard to believe. I don't know. I think that so much time has passed before they all have kind of have come together ... there's a big question that my mother asks me every day, 'Why now? Why are these people trying to destroy his legacy?'"

Allen asks a question that many have: Why now? Is it because, up until recently, even the women who had come forward were basically all Jane Does and they were fairly isolated? Once real faces and names accompanied allegations in the press, did that give other possible victims the courage to come forward? It is interesting to note that still out of the nearly two-dozen women who have come forward only two are actually looking for any compensation. The rest clearly have nothing to really gain by speaking up.

Are you surprised Allen still has one foot in Cosby's corner? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

Bill Cosby, Allegations, Struggle, Today, Serial rapist, Lies, Actor
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