U.S. Government in Cuba: Reports Indicate We Manipulated Hip-Hop Stars to Subconsciously Foment a Revolution against Raul Castro

A lot of news has been made recently of probably illegal activity carried out by the United States government at its Guantanamo Bay stronghold. More documents released this week show that the U.S. was involved in other shady operations on the island...these ones using Cuban music stars to help undermine the Cuban government. The information suggests that the United States Agency for International Development hired Rajko Bozic to pick up acts such as Cuban rapper Aldo and Los Aldeanos to foment a revolution among the youth.

It wasn't an unprecedented idea: Bozic in particular had experience with the concept, working in Serbia at the time of Slobodan Milosevic's overthrow, which was aided by a youth modem,end encouraged by musicians and entertainment figures.

Obviously the Cuban operation was an act of diplomatic subterfuge. Regardless of the legal aspects, it's tough to label as wholly ethical either, as Aldo and his team weren't aware they were part of a U.S. strategy. The emcee was already a noticeable member of Cuba's anti-government front, already protested the administration of Raul Castro in his lyrics and had the tattoo "rap is war" on his arm. The U.S. aimed to amplify his message. If they were caught, Los Aldeanos could have been punished for treasonous crimes they didn't even realize they were part of.

It didn't take too long for members of the operation, both Rozic and the rappers, to come under fire from the Cuban government, who suspected something was up.

You can read the about the whole affair in Billboard's intriguing feature on the affair.

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