The American Symphony Orchestra's "Classics Declassified" series presents an intelligent and insightful journey into classical masterworks, led by music director Leon Botstein. Each concert begins with a lively discussion in which Botstein and the orchestra shed new light on a different classical masterpiece--followed by a performance of the work, itself.
"Classics Declassified" is ideal for first-time concertgoers looking for a solid introduction to classical masterpieces, as well as experienced concertgoers seeking an updated look on familiar works. Audience members are invited to stay for a Q&A session after each performance.
The first concert in the series will explore Felix Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 5, "Reformation," on Sunday, October 27 at Symphony Space in New York City. Botstein will discuss how symphonic form and the romantic expression of religious feeling are reconciled in this work, written to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 1830.
Botstein says, "The idea is, from the perspective of either an experienced concertgoer or a first-time concertgoer, to look at standard repertory, repertory that everyone knows...Can we take these very well-known classical works and connect them to what people are interested in, outside of music, as well as inside?"
This season's "Declassified" concerts are organized around the theme of "The Symphony after Beethoven." The ASO will look at the works of composers who were directly influenced by Beethoven, including Robert Schumann's Symphony No. 2 (February 23) as well as Brahms' Symphony No. 2 (April 13).
Botstein has been music director and principal conductor of the American Symphony Orchestra for 20 years, with an active schedule as a guest conductor all over the world. He is also conductor laureate of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, where he served as music director from 2003-11. The author of numerous articles and books, Botstein is the editor of The Musical Quarterly.
For more information about the "Classics Declassified" series, please visit
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