In a recent episode of the popular Yahoo! web series Ghost Ghirls, a recording studio is haunted by the spirits of a 1970s Southern country rock band, Sweetriver and the Huckleberry Dogs. Who is in the band? None other than Dave Grohl, Jack Black and Val Kilmer.
The fictitious band rose to fame in the '70s with their hit "Georgia Peach" but had a falling out while they were recording their final album. The members boarded a fatal flight, and their airplane crashed into a river en route to Florida
In a parody documentary of the band, music critic Scott Johniels describes them: "When Sweetriver came out there was nothing quite like it. And all of the other bands after were derivative. ...They were gospel, they were blues, they were jazz. They were the American experience. They were George Washington beating up Lincoln together for music. ...If you don't like Sweetriver, you don't like America. And that's fine because in America, you don't have to like America. That's what Sweetriver died for."
Because the band died in a plane crash, they were unable to record their last song, "Back to the Beginning." To help the band "cross over," the Ghost Ghirls decide to become muses and inspire a new song.
The outcome is pretty amazing. Watch it for yourself here, and let us know what you think in the comments section below!
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