Jennifer Aniston Covers 'Allure,' Lashes Out at Those Who Have Tried to Guilt Her for Not Having Kids Yet

In the last decade very few celebs have seen their personal life get splattered across the covers of various weekly publications quite like Jennifer Aniston has. She and Brad Pitt split up a decade ago and tabloids still reference them several times a week. It must make it ridiculously hard to move on from a broken relationship and even tougher to learn how not to care what complete strangers are saying. As Aniston has spent the last several weeks promoting her new films, she seems different. Rather than dismissing the nonsense, she has been tackling it head-on, which is kind of cool for a change.

Aniston is covering the latest issue of Allure magazine and in the accompanying interview she dishes on how tired she is of people making comments about the fact that she hasn't had children.

"This continually is said about me: that I was so career-driven and focused on myself; that I don't want to be a mother, and how selfish that is," Aniston said. I have a lot of friends who decided not to have children, who can't have children, or are trying but are having a difficult time. There's all sorts of reasons why children aren't in people's lives, and no one has the right to assume. You may not have a child come out of your vagina, but that doesn't mean you aren't mothering — dogs, friends, friends' children," says Aniston.

For the longest time Aniston has been a sympathetic figure because she hasn't found the right guy to marry and have babies with. People seem to forget that there's a pretty decent chance that if Aniston really desperately wanted to be a mom at this very moment, one way or another she probably would be. Perhaps she's not sad, pathetic or driven by Hollywood. Maybe she just doesn't want a baby and that seems to be the point that she wanted to drive home.

What are your thoughts on Aniston's latest round of interview's? Is she new and improved or did you prefer when she just didn't respond at all to her critics? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Jennifer Aniston, Interview, Cake, Nominations, Justin Theroux, Brad Pitt
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