Saturday Night, Tom Waits played his first show in five years at Neil Young's Bridge School Benefit in California. Waits has not toured since 2008 and has no future touring plans, according to a statement.
His set that night included ten songs that pulled mostly from his most recent album, Bad As Me. He debuted "Talking at the Same Time" and "Last Leaf" for the first time live. He also covered material from Rain Dogs, The Black Rider and Mule Variations.
Waits was accompanied by David Hidalgo on guitar, Les Claypool on bass and his son Casey on drums.
So why return to the stage now? Wait explained, "I had every good intention to stay home and work on my JD Salinger Halloween mask, but when Neil told me yesterday he was serving burnt cow's eyes on a flat tire and it's all gluten free, I invited myself."
Watch his set here, and let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Tom Waits Bridge School Benefit Setlist:
1. Raised Right Men
2. Singapore
3. Talking at the Same Time
4. Chicago
5. Lucky Day
6. Tom Traubert's Blues
7. Lucinda
8. Last Leaf
9. Cemetery Polka
10. Come On Up to the House
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