Beyonce, Jay Z & Timbaland Sued for "Drunk in Love" Sample by Hungarian Singer Mitsuo

First, Beyoncé and Jay Z got a little "Drunk In Love" now, they're about to get sued in love. Today (Dec. 5), the high-power pop couple have been slapped with a lawsuit from Hungarian singer Mitsuo (Monika Miczura) for the unauthorized use of her song "Bajba, Bajba Pelem."

Miczura is suing Beyoncé, Jay Z and Timbaland for the first 13 seconds of the Beyoncé hit, which she claims use and alter her vocals, according to TMZ.

The lawsuit claims that Beyoncé, Jay Z and Timbaland took her vocals and altered them for the opening and over 90 seconds of "Drunk in Love," which Miczura did not authorize.

"Following Mitsou's stirring featured solo vocal introduction, Mitsou's voice continues to sing as Beyoncé begins to sing," the suit reads, according to Page Six. "All together, Mitsou's vocals are featured for over one and half minutes of the five and one half minute song."

The haunting vocal does not just appear on its own; it is also looped in as Beyoncé and Jay Z perform alongside it.

To add insult to injury, the suit claims that the Carters use her sample to invoke foreign eroticism, when the original folk song is about a suffering loss.

The singer, who is seeking unknown damages, claims that she never authorized Beyoncé and Jay Z to use her voice for what eventually became one of Beyoncé's biggest hits to date. The song peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song is also nominated for Best R&B Performance and Best R&B Song for the 2015 Grammys.

Beyonce, Jay-Z, Timbaland
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