It's been awhile since Ja Rule was a relevant name in the rap community. Nowadays, people talk more about his Pandora station than his latest albums. He put out Pain Is Love 2 in 2012, but it had a lackluster showing on the charts. His next effort, Genius Loves Company, is due out in 2015 and XXL recently caught up with Rule to see what he has in store for fans in the future.
"You know, I'm taking my time. I'm working. I got about maybe three albums done so I'm dropping some stuff in 2015 — maybe not a full LP, maybe just some singles," he said. "I think I'm going to work some singles through my vehicle with MTV, my television show and then drop an album later in the year." (In case you missed it, Ja Rule scored a reality show with MTV titled Follow the Rules. Look for that in 2015 as well).
Rule went on to compliment the hip-hop community and the role it's played in the recent Michael Brown and Eric Garner decisions.
"We are the new freedom fighters. I'm very proud of what we are doing out there as far as getting the awareness out there and doing it very peacefully," he added. "So I think that's the important part, getting out there, getting our message across, but doing it in a way where people are going to respect the message and not get it tangled up in some of the less fortunate things that went down. So I think we're doing a great job thus far and as long as we keep pushing forward I think the message will get heard and I think there will be some change."
The rapper also plans on writing a self-help book to follow up this year's memoir Unruly: The Highs and Lows of Becoming a Man.
Ja Rule also stressed back in July that he wasn't in much of a hurry to release new music.
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