Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan Slams Music Critics Over 'Monuments to an Elegy' Reviews

Smashing Pumpkins: One and All

In a new interview with The Guardian (whom Corgan also calls out for its three-star review), Corgan called the reviews for his album "unfair" and "bad for business."

"I thought for sure I would get really strong reviews for our new album [Monuments to an Elegy], based on all the feedback I was getting. But I'm getting the same reviews I got back in the day, these kind of middling, muddling reviews that just won't fucking say, 'This is a fucking brilliant album from a brilliant artist.' It's always got to have a qualifier to it," he said. "So my point is this: I made, according to most people, two classic albums in my life. But go back and read those reviews - I got the same type of reviews then as I'm getting now."

When prodded about why, then, he cares what critics have to say when they have agendas, Corgan acknowledged their importance for sales.

"It's bad for business. If you're Martin Scorsese and you've got a new picture coming out, you want good reviews, because then more people see your film. So if you make a good album then you deserve a fair review of your work, especially after being in the culture for 25 fucking years. But I realize now I'm not going to get my due from that culture," said Corgan. "The three leading gatekeepers - Q, NME, The Guardian or whoever - they all wrote three-star f**king reviews. It's not a three-star fucking record. Nobody believes it's a three-star record. Nobody! OK, these people obviously did, so maybe I shouldn't be so absolute. But I've been in this business for 25 years and there is nobody in it who believes this is a three-star record. Nobody!"

Monuments to an Elegy was released on Dec. 9. A new album, Day to Night is planned for 2015.

Smashing Pumpkins
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