Nicki Minaj, previously known as Onika Maraj, was once a budding acting student at New York's Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. She has shown her acting chops in The Other Woman and numerous music videos, but in a recently surfaced clip, fans can see how it all started for The Pinkprint rapper, Vibe noted.
Aspiring actors and artists need to pay attention here: You have to start somewhere. For Minaj, somewhere was in a high-school classroom portraying "Angry Phone Girl." The brief scene has the hip-hop superstar demanding another woman make a call so she gets her baby back. Minaj gets so into the role that the teacher has to remind her to be careful when she throws the phone toward the other actor. Check it out below.
Although The Other Woman received mostly negative reviews, critics fell in love with Minaj's performance.
"As Carly's tough-love assistant, Nicki Minaj is a scene-stealer in her first on-screen role; her performance is one of the film's few consistent pleasures," wrote.
"Nicki Minaj is amusingly on-brand as Carly's non-assistive assistant. She's all her usual wigs and curves and 'Oh, snap.' You watch her pocket all her scenes and wonder why she didn't switch parts with one of the other three," Grantland added.
Minaj recently sat down with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show to talk about life before all the spoils of being famous. She held down tons of odd jobs, including a waitress position at Red Lobster.
It is clear that the rapper has what it takes to become a double threat in the entertainment realm, but currently music is enough for her. She released The Pinkprint earlier this month and has been promoting the effort ever since.
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