Last Night, Lady Gaga appeared on Saturday Night Live in support of her latest album ARTPOP. She served as both musical guest and host. Gaga played a nerdy Apple store employee, an angry tenant, a dramatic camper, a controlling "pageant" mom, and even an old-lady version of herself.
During her first musical performance, she and R. Kelly got sexual on "Do What U Want" by basically doing it on stage with their clothes on. For her second musical performance, she wore a butterfly-looking dress and played "Gypsy" on a pink piano.
Unfortunately, we didn't see as much of Gaga in the skits as we would have liked, but she proved that she is truly a performer and a good sport when it comes to making fun of herself. It wasn't the outrageous performance that we were expecting, but it was almost nice to see her step outside her usual role.
We don't want to spoil the episode for you, so watch it when it becomes available online and for now check out her musical performances here:
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