Illusionist David Blaine's new show "Real or Magic" just aired on ABC, and during the 90-minute special, Blaine proceeds to completely mystify a variety of A-list celebrities, including Kanye West, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, even Woody Harrelson makes an appearance.
As Blaine displays an "illusion," it's hard to know what to call this kind of thing, he takes what appears to be an actual, sharp ice pick and slow push it through his hand. Yes, it sounds really graphic and awful, and it kind of is, even though it's not real. The horrified celebrities all had their unique reactions.
Aaron Paul totally freaked out, with his grunts and clenched up body as he said to Blaine, "Oh you." Cranston just covered his mouth and hunched over. Kanye kind of giggled with disbelief. He definitely had the least disgusted reaction. And Will Smith, terrified and laughing while holding onto his wife, tried to ask Blaine to stop by telling him they got it, no need to go any further.
Harrelson made a poignant remark to the trick. "Man, I lost my erection entirely." The crew laughed. By the way, Harrelson was hanging out with Kanye while the trick was being performed. Or at least he was also there. That's kind of amazing. Harrelson held Blaine's wrist as Kanye pulled the ice pick out of his hand.
Who knows how Blaine does this kind of thing. Watch the clip below and you'll see how realistic it looks.
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