INDMUSIC & TuneCore team up to make musicians money on YouTube

YouTube's largest independent music network INDMUSIC has teamed up with TuneCore, the digital music distributor and publishing administrator. The goal: to make musicians money on YouTube. They aim for the artists to have both control over their rights and creative freedom while gaining revenue from YouTube views.

After months of speaking with hundreds of musicians and studying the YouTube marketplace, TuneCore President and COO Scott Ackerman had this to say about the overall plan for this partnership:

We want our artists to earn the money that is rightfully theirs from YouTube when others use their music in videos. For the artists who already use TuneCore as their publishing administrator, we're working with our partner INDMUSIC to use strong, proprietary Content ID query tools to find more uses of the artist's music in user generated content (UGC), then authorize YouTube to put ads on those videos. We can collect the most money for our artists on YouTube since we manage both rights, with TuneCore administering the Composition rights and INDMUSIC managing the Sound Recording rights. Together, our teams are the best in the business in resolving rights disputes, collecting royalties for artists and providing transparent accounting. We're also offering the highest payout to artists.

INDMUSIC has over 2.5 billion network views and 2 million network subscribers. How to get in on this? The YouTube monetization is part of the TuneCore Music Publishing Administration service, which has a $75 one-time set-up fee. This payment covers both the global registration of and the royalty collection for the musician's compositions. Songwriters get 80 percent of sound recording royalties and 90 percent of composition royalties from the use of their songs and compositions in their YouTube videos and other people's channels.

Do you think the partnership between these Brooklyn-based companies has the potential to change the music world as we know it?

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