Explosions In The Sky Working on New Album, But 'Still Have a Ways To Go'

Explosions in the Sky are known for their instrumental tunes, which create emotional peaks and valleys in a way that mainstream rock songs cannot. Obviously, this type of music lends itself to film, and the group has produced four soundtracks in the past decade, for Friday Night Lights (2004), Prince Avalanche (2013), Lone Survivor (2013) and Manglehorn (2014).

Because of their movie opportunities, the Austin boys have not had a chance to create a traditional studio album in almost four years. But that's about to change.

They recently published a lengthy Facebook post (via AltPress) to announce their return to the studio. Check it out below:

Sorry that we've been running silent for awhile. The last few years have been pretty hectic for us (touring, working on soundtracks, etc.), so we've spent the last few months in hibernation. 2015 will also be on the quiet side, at least as far as touring and shows are concerned. This is because we'll be spending most of our time writing and recording stuff for a new album. We're well into the process, but we still have a ways to go. We're pretty excited about what we're coming up with and we'll keep you posted as we go. Anyway, we just wanted to say welcome to 2015 and we hope it goes okay for all of you. We're now in our sixteenth year as a band and we're grateful every single day that you're still listening. Take care.

Explosions broke into the mainstream with their work on Friday Night Lights, but they shied away from film projects until a couple years ago. Fans are sure to be excited about the follow-up to 2011's Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, which featured the tune "Trembling Hands."

Check it out below:

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