The new Fox television series Empire, a soap opera about the hip-hop industry created by Lee Daniels and Danny Strong, has just closed a deal with Snoop Dogg for an upcoming episode. The rapper will play himself in a guest starring role on Episode 11, which will air in late February or early March, The Wrap reports. The show premiered last week to positive reviews.
Snoop Dogg isn't the only musician whose been announced as a guess on the show. Courtney Love recently told The New York Times that she'll appear on the show in a semi-biographical role.
"I play a rock star with a drug problem," she told them. "And the research I have to do - it's so tough for me."
Timbaland, who produced the show's soundtrack, recently sat down with Power 105's The Breakfast Club to talk about working on the series.
"I feel like if this show is a hit, we got a second season and a third season," he told them. "I feel like the first season was more of me being the executive producer. I had to really oversee it. So it taught me [how to delegate]. So that was a little different because I'm so much of a hands-on person. Now that I'm at the end of the show, I'm learning how TV shows work. I feel like as we go along, just like in any business, your first is not your top. Sometimes it might take a year or two to get to the crème de la crème. I feel like as we get more and more into the episodes, I think when we get to season two, I feel like that's when you're going to really see the music. Because right now you're going to see the drama of a woman being used and a man becoming very powerful."
Are you excited to see Snoop on the show? What did you think of the series premiere? Sound off in the comments section below!
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