Secretary of State John Kerry Defends Not Traveling to France Until Later This Week

The U.S. has found itself under heavy criticism for not sending any senior officials to Paris for its Unity March and Rally that had more than 1 million supporters Sunday, Jan. 11. The relationship between French and U.S. officials is thought to be solid, so it came as a surprise to many that while 40 world leaders were on hand to support the French people after last week's terrorist attack, no one was there to represent the States.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry happens to speak fluent French and visits the country often — in fact he will be heading there later this week to meet with leaders and pay tribute to the 17 victims of last week's attacks. When asked why the U.S. did not send a senior official as a show of support, Kerry insisted that our country has been in constant contact with the French government from the moment it became clear it was under attack. Kerry himself has also been criticized for delaying his trip to France, and he addressed the issue this morning.

"As everybody knows, I have been here in India for a prior planned event. I would have personally very much wanted to have been there but couldn't do so because of the commitment that I had here and it is important to keep these kinds of commitments. That is why I am going there on the way home and to make it crystal clear how passionately we feel about the events that have taken place there. I don't think the people of France have any doubt about America's understanding about what happened, about our personal sense of loss and our deep commitment to the people of France in this moment of trial. I want to emphasize that the relationship with France is not about one day or one particular moment. It is an ongoing, longtime relationship that is deeply, deeply based in the shared values, and particularly the commitment that we share to freedom of expression," explained Kerry.

As for remaining united, Kerry has encouraged people not to allow fear to govern their every move because that is exactly what the terrorists want.

"No single act of terror, no two people with AK-47s, no hostage-taking at a grocery store is ever going to prevent those who are committed to the march for freedom to continue to march and to ultimately see all people enjoy their rights, to be able to enjoy the protections that come with that freedom," said Kerry.

Do you think the U.S. should have sent someone in place of Kerry yesterday so the French government saw that the States are standing with them, or do you think enough went on behind the scenes, where it counted most, for the French government to know that we are one of their strongest allies? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.

France, Support, Terrorist attack, Terrorism, Government, Paris, Dead, Charlie Hebdo
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