Deadmau5 Releases 'Spirit of Gumball' Recap Video Set to 'While (1<2)' [WATCH]

Over the summer, the rich and famous gathered for the Gumball 3000, a 7-day, 3,000 mile car rally featuring some of the nicest and gaudiest cars money can buy. Noted producer, DJ and car enthusiast, Joel Zimmerman, better known as deadmau5 joined the fun with his "purrari," the now stripped and sold bright blue Ferrari that had the pattern of the infamous internet meme, "Nyan Cat" painted on the side. The whole video is soundtracked by the sounds of his 25-track artist album released over the summer of 2014, While (1<2).

Xzibit hosts the whole event, following them along the grueling 3,000-mile journey that spans two continents. The Miami to Ibiza rally starts in Miami and goes to New York before the contestants fly their cars and themselves to Scotland and travel down through England and under the channel to France.

Before deadmau5 gets into France, he has his first run in with the police, but is let off with just a warning. Running on very little sleep and exhausted from close to 2,000 miles of driving, deadmau5 has to play a gig in Paris until 6:00 a.m. and is rendered largely useless for the rest of the trip. This becomes official when he is pulled over in France and having lost or had his wallet stolen in Miami, Zimmerman is banned from driving in Europe for the rest of Gumball, but is granted clemency and allowed to leave the country.

Along the way, deadmau5 makes frequent stops at designated areas to say hello to fans and sign autographs.

There are predictably some celebrity sightings including David Hasselhoff at a distance and Tony Hawk who is just skateboarding on a half pipe at the finish line.

In the end Joel came out on top by winning the "Spirit Of Gumball" Awards.

Watch the full recap below.

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