Neo-soul singer-songwriter Geoff Ong is prepping the release of his upcoming effort, The Boston EP. Originally hailing from Auckland, New Zealand, and a mechanical engineer by trade, Ong found local success with his first self-produced EP, Pictures. He later decided that music was his true calling and left his job to move to Boston where he studies at Berklee College of Music.
After releasing the Boston EP's first single "The Last Song I'll Ever Write About You," he has given Music Times an exclusive premiere of his second single "Taylor." The track is a musical love letter of sorts to pop star Taylor Swift, as he hopes to get to know her as a real person outside her celebrity.
"Everybody else only sees you for what you do / I want to be the one who knows you for you / The world knows you as a face on a magazine, or one they've seen on a TV show / But I want to be the one who knows you as Taylor," Ong sings.
We caught up with Ong about the inspiration behind the track and what his ideal date with Swift would look like. Here's what he had to say:
Music Times: What made you want to write about Taylor Swift?
Geoff Ong: "I've honestly just been a fan of her music (and kinda had a huge crush on her) for a really long time, and I thought it would be interesting to explore the idea of going on a date with her through a song! Like, what would it actually be like to go on a date with someone like Taylor Swift? Can you actually go into it with a blank slate, and try and discover who she really is, or would you just be taken by the fact that she is this incredibly successful person? How does she go about dating someone, when all these preconceived notions exist about who she is?"
MT: What's your favorite song of hers?
GO: "Oh man, SO many. 'All Too Well' hits me right in the feels. 'I Wish You Would,' off her newest record, is probably the catchiest song ever written. 'You Belong With Me' is another masterpiece. Basically every song she's ever written, if I'm being entirely honest."
MT: What would your date with Taylor Swift look like? You mention a movie in the song, but what else would you do with her on a date?
GO: "I would probably spend a lot of time trying not to panic... But once I had calmed myself down I would probably try and keep it as normal and low-key as possible. It's a first date, after all. I imagine a lot of people would have all kinds of awesome and impressive ideas, but I'm really kind of a boring person, and trying to do something awesome and impressive would probably distract me from the fact that I'm ACTUALLY ON A DATE WITH TAYLOR SWIFT, and that I should probably be talking to her and trying to get to know her instead of trying to impress her. This is all hypothetical, of course. But you can probably tell that I've thought this through a little bit."
MT: Why Taylor and not some other pop star? What is it you like about her?
GO: "I really just like that she seems to be very genuine. Her songs all seem very honest and she comes across as a pretty cool lady in her interviews! I also like that she seems quite open about the fact that she is in a position of celebrity and the things (good and bad) that that kind of life can bring. But of course, I could be entirely wrong about all of this, which is why I would like to go on a date with her and find out for myself!"
Check out the premiere of "Taylor," and let us know what you think in the comments section below! And Taylor, if you read this, go on a date with Geoff!!
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