Johnny Depp Says Actors Making Music 'Is a Sickening Thing'

Johnny Depp: project in 2014

But Johnny does not think actors should play too much music.

"That whole idea for me is a sickening thing, it's always just made me sick," he said at the Berlin premiere of his new movie Mortdecai, via The Hollywood Reporter.

He clarifies that what he does is cool, though.

"I've been very lucky to play on friends's records and it's still going," Depp said. "Music is still part of my life ... But you won't be hearing The Johnny Depp Band. That won't ever exist."

Depp appears to have an issue with expanding one's entertainment portfolio, or attempting to define oneself by music after a successful acting career.

"The kind of luxury now is, anybody with a certain amount of success, if you have a kind of musical being, you can go out and start a band and capitalize on your work in other areas," he said. "But I hate the idea, 'Come see me play the guitar because you've seen me in 12 movies.' ... It shouldn't be [that way]. You want the people who are listening to the music to only be interested in the music."

These are some hot takes from Depp, but we sort of understand where he is coming from. He is not trying to become a touring superstar.

But that is a lot easier to say when you reportedly make $30 million a year in Hollywood.

Readers: What do you make of the situation? Let us know what you think down in the comments section.

Johnny Depp
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